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This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Charlie & The Snake".

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(Creatures of Mystery plays on an old television)

Newswoman: Tonight on "Creatures of mystery", we investigate a mysterious hairy beast that roams the woods of California. From eyewitness reports, we are able to learn its secrets.

Man #1: I seen him. He was about, mm, 20 feet tall.

Man #2: He ate my baby... burritos!

Man #3: He has beautiful hair.

Newswoman: Here is an artist's rendering of the beast. What is this creature? What does it do all day? Who does it communicate with? Only one thing is certain... wherever it is out there, it is most likely isolated and completely alone.

(Meanwhile, in the forest...)

Charlie: Almost! Ah! Perfect!

Newswoman: And completely alone. Here now is the clearest photo anyone has been able to capture.

(Charlie running to the Bears Bros home).

Charlie: Oh, hey, guys! What's up?

Grizz: Oh, hey, Charlie. How'd you get in here, buddy?

Charlie: Oh, I saw that the doors were locked, but no worries ... I found an open window.

(The window in the kitchen is broken).

Ice Bear: Ice Bear is calling the cops.

Panda: Ugh. Way ahead of you. [beeps]

Grizz: Come on, man, be nice.

Charlie: I wanted to stop by and give you guys some gifts! But first, you've gotta close them eyes. Come on, now, no peepin'!


Charlie: Oh, man, you guys are gonna love these. Oops. Here we go. Ha ha, all right! Open 'em!

Grizz: Oh, how lovely, Charlie.

Panda: Why am I a pickle?

Charlie: Because I relish our friendship. So, what are you guys up to today?

Panda: Uh, well, uh... we have to go... [Cellphone buzzes] Huh? Oh! A craft fair downtown in 30 minutes.

Grizz: Ooh, craft fair? I want to go!

Panda: Yes, let's go there.

Grizz (stand up): Okay, well, we have to get going I guess! Huh? Sorry, Charlie.

(Charlie stopped them).

Charlie: Wait, wait, wait! Don't go! Uh, I mean, you can't go, 'cause I, uh... I planned, uh... a party! Yeah, a party! Oh, it's gonna be huge! And you guys are the guests of honor! Want to come?!

Grizz: Uh... okay, man.

Charlie: Hey, all right!

Panda: Ugh! There goes my day.

Charlie: We're gonna need this!

(they going to the forests).

Charlie: Come along, bears! We're real close now!

Grizz: Ooh, can't wait till I see our party spot.


Panda: Huh? Oh, man, I forgot my phone! Oh, no, my phone! I think I'll go back and get it!

Charlie (pushing Panda): Don't be silly. Come on, now.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear respects your attempt.

Grizz: Come on, guys. It's not gonna be so ...

Charlie: Yep, good enough. We're here! Welcome to party central! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Surprise!


[Both scream]

Charlie: They're gone! Great job, my scaly little friend. All right, let's see what we got. Oh, yep, as I feared ... generic label. Not good enough for my buddies. And Panda's allergic to peanuts, so nope. And, man, these aren't fair trade bananas. No good. Come on, lets keep moving.


Charlie: Here's another one of my regular hangouts. Even got myself a spare key! [laughs]

(Charlie broken down the window by the stone, then Charlie and his snake get into the house).

There will most definitely be food here the bears will like! I mean they live here, you know. [laughs]

Charlie: You take the lower cupboards and the floor, I'll check over here. Hmm! No, no. No, sir. No way, no good! Nope, no siree. Hmm. Any of this look good enough for the bears?

Ah, yeah, you're right. Man, not a single edible thing in this place. Think, Charlie. Come on, think. Hmm.

(the Pizza paper is fallen).

Charlie: That's it! Ha ha! Pizza! Great idea, man! Now to find a phone.



Man: Hello, Papa Pa-pizzeria?

Charlie: Hello, pizza! I'd like to order you!

Panda: What if everything we are is just a figment of someone else's imagination? I mean, if what I see isn't real, am I even real? You know?


Panda: This is pointless. Thank you for your time. Hey, how are you guys doing?

Grizz: Not good. We're having a dance competition with a worm.


Grizz: You got this, bro!

Newswoman: We're back with "Creatures of mystery". Fresh traces of the beast have been found in the local forest.

Man #3: Yep, that's him.

Newswoman: Thousands of dollars will be offered as a reward for a clear photo of the creature...

Charlie (laughing): Oh, man, snake, you are a riot! One more knock-knock. Come on, just one more! Lay it on me!



Charlie (laughing): That is a good one, buddy. Brr! Oh, it's getting a little chilly. You cold? Here, wait right here.

(Charlie also broken down the window by the stone, then Charlie find the scarf forr his snake).

Charlie: All right, here you are! Aw, you're gonna look so handsome. Hey, man, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I didn't really know what to make of you at first. But I'm really glad you decided to tag along.

[Knock on door]

Charlie: Oh, that must be the pizza! Hey, uh, snake, I kind of like to keep a low profile. You mind?

Pizza shipper: Pizza!

[hisses] Uh, I got pizzas here for a Mr. Snakeson. Is, uh, is that you?

Charlie: Oh, yes, of course! Hiss hiss. Yes, it was me. Do you like my scarf? A good friend gave it to me. I'll take the pizza now. Hiss hiss.

Uh, that'll be $20.

Pizza shipper: Of course! You wait right there. I'm going to go get my snake wallet.

Now there's bound to be 20ish bucks here somewhere! Hey, thanks for helping me out back there, by the way. You did a really good job!

I've actually never been able to get a pizza delivered like that before.

Oh, you tired? All right, you just take a rest here.

Oh, you like my statues? Yeah, I'll make one of you next time we hang out.

Man, those took ages to make. Aha! Perfect change!

Charlie: (gasps) Ah, no! What are you doing?!

Stop! Spit those out! Ah, man I told you how hard I worked on these.

The bears really loved them.

Why'd you do that?

W-Where you going now?

What, that's it? No apology?

[mellow music]

You really hurt my feeling, man.

(snake is gone, but he leave the scarf).

Huh? Man, I thought you liked your scarf! You're just going to leave it here?

Charlie (throw the scarf): Man, you're a horrible friend!

Charlie: Don't look at me! [Sobbing]

[Knock on door]

Pizza shipper: Hello? Did you find your snake wallet?

Charlie: (Scoffs): Mean snake. Can't trust new friends these days.
