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Grizz Helps Gallery Transcript

Grizz Helps[3] is the 22nd episode of the second season of We Bare Bears and the 48th episode overall.


Grizzly leaves the cave to assist anyone he can in the city.


The episode begins with Grizzly snoring. Grizzly then wakes up eager to see his brothers, where he finds Panda returning raw denim. Grizzly then offers to go with Panda but Panda decides to go out alone to see the cashier. Panda then leaves to the store to return the pants. Grizzly then finds his little brother in the kitchen working on improving Roomba. Grizzly then comes in and offers to help or hangout with Ice Bear but Ice Bear refuses and pushes Grizzly to the couch to continue working on his project.

Feeling bored, Grizzly then goes onto Braig's List to see if anyone needs help in his area. Grizzly then finds a Mad Scientist looking for subjects for his time travel but calls it creepy and declines it. After looking, Grizzly finds a lady looking for her lost chicken. Grizzly then e-mails the lady for more info about the lost chicken, favorite food, middle name, etc. After sending the email, Grizzly waits until he hears two men arguing outside.

Grizzly then goes outside to see that the two men were arguing about the garbage truck being busted. Grizzly then offers to help the two distressed men by throwing the garbage into the truck. Grizzly starts off by throwing garbage into the truck one at a time and starts to become distracted yet keeps up. Grizzly then finds the lady who is looking for her lost chicken, who is hanging up fliers. Grizzly offers to help the lady by hanging up fliers or passing them out to everyone in the city.

While giving out fliers, Grizzly finds a dog and more dogs which are too energetic. The man who was walking the dogs can't control the dogs, but Grizz tells them to sit and they sit. The man who was walking the dogs is tired and Grizzly offers to watch over the dogs. The man accepts Grizzly's offer and Grizzly takes the dogs. Grizz then walks the dogs and continues to hand out fliers.

On the last door where Grizzly hangs up the last "lost chicken" flier, he finds the mad scientist. The Mad Scientist questions why Grizzly is at his door, but Grizzly just says he is walking the dogs. The mad scientist nods, as a chicken can be heard in the back, and closes the door. Grizzly heard the chicken in the room so he goes to rescue the chicken. Grizzly then leads the dogs into his lab using the mad scientist's open window in the back. Grizzly uses stealth to get in and overhears the scientist talking about time.

The mad scientist, who is recording his experiment, is then seen holding his subject which is the lost chicken Mark. The mad scientist then unveils his time machine and how his past test subjects ended up dead. Grizzly wonders how he can save the chicken, but one of the dogs bark, revealing to the mad scientist that he wasn't alone. Grizzly then uses flour dust to reveal himself as someone from the future along with the dogs. Grizzly then demands for the chicken for future reasons. The scientist questions his time machine, and then Grizzly is exposed when his tin foil hat fell off.

The mad scientist assumes Grizzly is working with the government, trying to steal his time machine so the mad scientist tries to take the chicken and escape with his time machine. Grizzly orders the dogs to stop the mad scientist, who panics and leaves the chicken, running into his time machine. The dogs, chicken and Grizzly escape the lab, and the time machine fails leaving the mad scientist at defeat.

Grizzly then returns the dogs to their owner, returns the lost chicken to his owner, and sees the two garbage men who thanks him for his help earlier. They offer Grizzly a ride home and Grizzly gets home to reunite with his brothers. Panda asks Grizzly what he did today, and after a long day Grizzly said his smell from the garbage was a job well done.


Major Characters[]

Minor Characters[]





  • Daniel Chong explained that this episode was created by doodling Grizzly gags, pulled out the funniest jokes, and stitched them into an episode plot. He describes this episode as a weird one.[3]
  • In "Burrito", Ice Bear reacted strongly to the rotten scent of the burrito, however, at the end of this episode, he completely ignored Grizzly's incredible odor as if he wasn't stinky at all.

Cultural References[]

  • The ad for someone to go back in time is most likely a reference to an infamous ad that actually did appear in a magazine called Backwoods Home Magazine.
  • When the mad scientist unveil the time machine, Grizzly sees a chart of "test subjects", with drawnings of a bug, a frog and a cat with a skull and crossbones on "results", in the cat, the result is a skull and crossbones with three interrogation marks beside, a reference to Schrödinger's cat experiment.


  • When the episode starts, the rise and fall of Grizzly's back is out of sync with his snoring.
  • The leash that was holding the dogs Grizzly was walking disappear after they escaped the warehouse. It reappears once Grizzly returns the dogs to their respectful owner.



ve Episode List
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 Our StuffViral VideoFood TruckChloePanda's DateEveryday BearsBurritoPrimalJean JacketNom NomShush NinjasMy CliqueCharlieBrother UpOccupy BearsPanda's SneezeThe RoadEmergencyTote LifeCharlie and the SnakeVideo DatePet ShopChloe and Ice BearCupcake JobHibernationCharlie Ball
Season 2 Yard SaleSlumber PartyBear CleanseNom Nom's EntourageRanger TabesRoomsLosing IceCellieFashion BearsThe IslandBear FluChicken and WafflesThe AuditionCaptain CrabooBaby Bears on a PlaneYuri and the BearIcy NightsEveryone's TubeCreature MysteriesThe LibraryGrizz HelpsChristmas PartiesSubwayPanda's FriendNeighbors
Season 3 Grizzly the MovieAnger Management$100Professor LampwickRalphPlanet BearsCoffee CaveCharlie's Big FootThe DemonPanda's ArtPoppy RangersLucy's BrotherWe Bare Bears Digital Shorts 3The FairPrivate LakeLunch with TabesRoad TripSummer LoveThe KittyCrowbar JonesKyleCitizen TabesDance LessonsIcy Nights IIDog HotelBear LiftThe Nom Nom ShowIce CaveSpa DayCharlie's Halloween ThingBunniesPigeonsPanda 2Tubin'Lazer RoyaleRanger GamesThe Perfect TreeBearz II MenBro BrawlHurricane HalVacationBeehiveThe ParkI Am Ice BearBaby Bears Can't Jump
Season 4 Go FishTeacher's PetGoogsPaperboyzBear SquadLil' SquidI, ButlerFamily TroublesBest BearsCrowbar Jones: OriginsHot SauceMom AppThe LimoMore Everyone's TubeMoney ManRescue RangerEl OsoCharlie's Halloween Thing 2EscandalososPizza BandAdoptedWingmenBracesChristmas MoviesImaginary FriendThe MallTunnelsRamenThe GymBubbleBaby Orphan Ninja BearsFire!Ranger NormShmorbySnake BabiesSandcastleBros in the CityCousin JonLord of the PoppiesThe Mummy's CurseBand of OutsidersTabes & CharliePanda's Birthday
Film We Bare Bears: The Movie
We Baby Bears (Season 1) The Magical BoxBears and the BeanstalkBooDunnitThe Little Mer-BearModern-ish Stone Age FamilyExcalibearMeat HouseThe Pirate Parrot PollyBaby Bear GeniusBug City SleuthsHashtag Number One FanSnow Place Like HomeFiesta DayBaba Yaga HouseBears in the DarkBig Trouble Little BabiesTriple T TigersPanda's FamilyA Tale of Two Ice BearsUnicaSheep BearsIce Bear's PetDragon PestsNo Land, All Air!Tooth Fairy TechHigh Baby FashionTeddi BearA Gross WormA Real CrayonWitchesHappy Bouncy Fun TownBack to Our Original Time PeriodBath on the NileBubble FieldsWho Crashed the RV?Temple BearsLighthouseDoll's HouseLittle Fallen Star
We Baby Bears (Season 2) The Big WishPolly's New CrewBug City Frame-UpThe Great Veggie WarUnica's HouseRexford's NectarGrizz's DocTriple T Tiger LiliesAfter BedtimeThe ParadeThe Big BloomReturn To The SeaShark!Sunken SubFlounder FamLand WorldBermuda Baby BearsWelcome To AtlantisFirst Day of Art SchoolIntermediate PhotographyIndependent Study: Mass AppealAdvanced CeramicsGraduation DayThree Bears And A DippySpace BeachBlack HoleUncle OrionThe Wish CannonIntergalactic Party Crashers
Shorts Bear CleaningNom Nom Vs. HamsterPanda's DreamLog RideGoodnight Ice BearPotty TimePanda's Profile PicGrizz: Ultimate Hero ChampionDreamiumCharlie's OpusBear StackFrozen IceAssembly RequiredCooking with Ice BearThe Cave