We Bare Bears Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Hashtag Number One Fan".

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Hashtag Number One Fan Gallery Transcript

Baby Panda: Lil' Faux7? From QuickiePic?

Madeline Malin: Oui. I am your biggest fan, Panda. You are the best panda there is. And now you are mine!

Madame Malin: Now, now, Madeline, where are your manners? Aren't you two the cutest?

Madeline Malin: Play...with...me... Panda!

Madame Malin: Oh, Madeline, always squeezing the guts out of things.

Baby Panda: I think I should get going now.

Madeline Malin: Panda is leaving? But I want Panda to stay!

Madame Malin: Dear, sweet Panda, are you sure we can't convince you to stay? Why, we have so many things to show you!

Baby Panda: Photo Kura Cute Booth Ultimate?!

Madame Malin: Isn't it nice, Panda? It was very expensive. But Madeline wanted one, and I just couldn't say no to my precious baby angel.

Robot Panda: Alert! Alert! System malfunction!

Baby Grizz: That's not Panda! That's a robot!

Madeline Malin: Do not touch my Panda!

Madame Malin: Intruder! Miscreant! Criminal!You've broken into my home, and you broke my robot Panda!

Robot Panda: Help me...

Madeline Malin: I do not want three bears. I want Panda!

Madame Malin: What Madeline want, Madeline get!

Baby Panda: Sorry, Madeline, but my bros are way more important than likes.

Baby Grizz: Way to go, Bro!

Madeline Malin: I...want... PANDA!

Madame Malin: No one make my baby cry!

Robot Panda: Hello, siblings.

Baby Panda: Ooh! So cool!

Madam Malin: You will play with Madeline, Panda! I will make you her bestie even if it destroy you!

Madeline Malin: Besties...for...ever!

Baby Panda: I don't want to be besties with you. We don't vibe!

Baby Panda: Now we can be together and have boba time forever!

Madam Malin: Boba time?

Baby Panda: How about we kick off our new friendship with a tea party!
Hope you like Summer Strawberry Blast! (He throws it at the Robot, the short circuit starts)

Madam Malin: No! What -- What -- What -- What is happening?

Baby Panda: Hashtag Panda style. (The Bears grab him and escape, saving him from Robot Panda)

Madam Malin: No, no, no, no! No, you can't! Noooo!

The Baby Bears: Aah! (Escapes after Robot Explosion) Ooh!

Baby Grizz: Panda, you really kicked that robot's gears!

Baby Ice Bear: Ice Bear impressed with brother's flair for destruction.

Baby Panda: I'm sorry, bros. I got carried away by the temptation of fame.

Baby Grizz: You don't need all those likes and faves. After all, you're our fave.

Baby Ice Bear: Ice Bear hearts you.

(The Bears hide in the box and teleport it away, disappearing, and then Madame Malin touches the control button, opening her door, with the strawberry smoke.)

Madeline Malin: (crying) Mommy! Panda is getting away!

Madame Malin: Don't worry, my precious baby angel. I'll capture that Panda if it's the last thing I do.
