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This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Hibernation".

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Hibernation Gallery Transcript

[The Bears are at a library called 'BOOKS N' BOOKS'.]

[Grizzly is hungrily staring at food in the library café.]

[Ice Bear is reading a book called 'Hatchets Around the World'.]

[Panda tries looking at the teen romance section without being seen and moves to the nature section when two girls come and grabs a book to find it to coincidentally be about pandas.]

Panda: Guys, come here! You gotta see this!

Grizzly: (With food in his mouth) What's up?

Panda: Check out this book. It says that pandas have a special lining in their throats to protect them from bamboo splinters.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear finds that fascinating. (Grabs a book about polar

Panda: I know, right? Pandas are so interesting.

Ice Bear: Ice bears can swim up to 100 miles at a time.

Panda: Cool! Oh, and in the wild, pandas eat for 12 hours a day.

[Grizzly then starts to feel left out.]

Grizzly: Um, you know, I'm gonna find a book too. With cool awesome facts about grizzlies.

Panda: Wow! I was all white when I was born!

Ice Bear: Ice bears wash ourselves with snow instead of water.

Grizzly: Hmm, (Going through book titles) goats, great horned owls, gray squirrels... Oh, grizzly! Come to me! (Reading book) "Goodnight Grizzly." Huh, hello, little guy. "Grizzly is brown." Hey guys, I found one that- uh...

Panda: Pandas have the largest molar teeth of any carnivore.

Grizzly: Uh, hey, did you know that um, grizzlies are brown?

[Panda and Ice Bear look at him, knowing that the fact is obvious.]

[Grizzly pulls the tab to make the arm on the bear move in the book.]

Panda: Yeah.

Ice Bear: Ice bears have rough paws to prevent slipping on ice.

Grizzly: (Sigh) I need more info little bear. (Gasps)

Ice Bear: Ice bears can also-

Grizzly: Well can you guys do this?

[Grizzly show them a page of it saying 'Grizzly hibernates'.]

Panda: Hibernate? That's when animals sleep through the winter, right?

Grizzly: Uh-huh!

Panda: Hmm, looks like pandas don't hibernate.

Ice Bear: Ice bears do.

Grizzly: (Beat) Hm...

Ice Bear: Lady Ice bears.

Grizzly: (Laughing in triumph) So hibernation is just my thing! (Laughs) It's like a holiday, just for me!

Panda: Dude, don't you think you're a little too domesticated to hibernate? I mean, you never slept through the winter before and you seem fine to me.

Grizzly: Wait, what month is it?

Panda: January.

Grizzly: Is that winter?

Ice Bear: Yes.

Grizzly: Ah! I'm already so behind!

Panda: Grizz, you're not seriously gonna sleep for five months!

Grizzly: Geez, I gotta start eating right now if I want to catch up. (Gulps muffin)

[Grizzly runs up to the café.]

Grizzly: (To cashier) I'll take this book and everything in here, please. To go.

Grizzly: "Bear gathers food."

[Cut the the Bears coming out of a grocery store.]

Grizzly: (Riding shopping cart) Wee!

Panda: (Tiredly pushing cart)

Ice Bear: (Kicks cart)

Grizzly: "Bear eats."

[Cut the Bears at the table, eating sandwiches.]

Grizzly: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! (Gulps sandwich in hand and starts devouring stack of sandwiches on his plate.)

[Panda and Ice Bear watch, aghast.]

Grizzly: (Mouth full) Don't need all this, right? (Takes Ice Bear's sandwich and drinks orange juice) What's next?

[Panda bring his sandwich closer to him.]

[Cut to Grizzly grabbing snacks from the pantry.]

[Then, cut to Panda in his room, reading manga with Miki-chan next to him.]

Panda: (Gives Miki-chan a Pocky stick) One for Miki-chan, and one for Panda.

[Panda starts to eat it, but it's then taken away from Grizzly eating it.]

Grizzly: Did you know that grizzlies like myself can gain up to four (Eats the whole pack of Pocky) hundred pounds while preparing for hibernation?

[Cut to Ice Bear playing a video game.]

[Grizzly comes to the couch, with two potato chip bags.]

Grizzly: Fact: Did you know grizzlies can (Finishes a potato chip bag) travel hundreds of miles to find enough food to (Finishes the second potato chip bag) last em' through the whole winter? (Eats the whole bowl of Cheesy Poofs) Grizzlies are pretty amazing, right? (Goes across Ice Bear to finish a drink, making Ice Bear lose) Ah, the hunt continues!

[Cut to different scenes of Ice Bear and Panda trying to fit their lifestyle with Grizzly's hibernation preparation.]

[Cut to Grizzly finishing up an apple]

Grizzly: Alright, let's see what I'm doin'! (Looks at himself) Yup, nice and full! What's next? "Bear collects soft things for the den." Soft things, ey? (Laughs mischievously)

[Cut to Panda in the shower.]

Panda: (Singing) Ooh, sharin' ice cream with m'lady...

[Grizzly takes Panda's towel.]

[Panda reaches for his towel after he turns off the water.]

Panda: Huh? Oh-

[Cur to Panda using tissues to dry himself.]

Panda: (Angrily mumbling)

[Panda goes to his room to see his whole mattress is missing.]

Panda: Alright, where's all my stuff?! (Trips over pillows) Wha- Mr. Penguin?

[Panda gets thrown off a blanket, with Grizzly being under it.]

Grizzly: Panda, do you mind? I'm practicing here.

Panda: But- Ugh! But this is my stuff! You can't just take it!

Grizzly: Sorry man, but I need it! This is where I'll be sleeping all winter! Pretty great, right?

Panda: No, it's not! You can't just keep my stuff all winter! And you're taking up the whole living room!

Ice Bear: Ice Bear had decided: not into hibernation.

Grizzly: Well, I'm sorry if you don't like it but there's nothing that I can do about it. Oh! I read something on the internet! Did you know that when it's time for a grizzly bear to hibernate he releases hormones that allow him-

Panda: Oh, c'mon man! We don't wanna hear about your hormones! This is ridiculous. I mean, you don't see us going nuts over what we can do.

Ice Bear: The world isn't ready for what Ice Bear can do.

Panda: C'mon man, let's just forget it and have a normal winter.

Grizzly: You know what I think? You guys are jealous and it is sad to see. I'll take my hibernation (Grabs blanket and carries as much pillows as he can) elsewhere!

Panda: Where are you going?

Grizzly: Someplace far away from you naysayers!

[Grizzly goes to move his things to the shed]

Grizzly: (Mumbling) Don't tell me what to do-

[Grizzly pushes his things into the shed]

Grizzly: (Angrily) Goodnight! (Slams shed door)

Panda: (Fed up) Oh. (Rolls eyes)

[Ice Bear closes door.]

[Cut to Grizzly setting up his bed.]

Grizzly: Perfect.

[Grizzly hears Panda laughing in the background and looks outside the shed window.]

Panda: Hey, can I have some?

Grizzly: They don't know what they're missing. Alright, finally, time for the easiest part.

[Grizzly sets up three night lights, a steamer, and puts on noise to help him fall asleep. He sets his alarm clock to June 15.]

Grizzly: (Laughs) Right on time! (Sighs) Well, goodnight Miki-Chan. I will see you in June.

[Grizzly moves around, trying to get comfy.]

[Grizzly looks at the clock to see that only two minutes have passed.]

Grizzly: I can't sleep.

[Cut to Grizzly doing jumping jacks.]

Grizzly: (In between breaths) Get...sleepy!

[Grizzly then makes warm milk, gulping it all, making him tear upz]

[Grizzly tries clicking the noises a bunch of times.]

[Grizzly then puts his face in front of the steamer, making him sweat.]

Grizzly: (Shaking Miki-chan) Help me! Ah... (Desperate) Help me, Miki-chan...

[Cut to Grizzly looking outside at the cave to see that Panda and Ice Bear are going to sleep.]

[Grizzly plops into his bed, in defeat.]

Grizzly: Ah, Bear, you make it look so easy. This just isn't working. Give up!

Grizzly: Ugh! I give up. I'm goin' back inside.

Bear: Wait, don't go!

[Grizzky is caught by surprise.]

Grizzly: Hello?

[Grizzly looks at the book, flipping through the pages.]

Grizzly: (Sighs) (Talking to himself) Get it together, Grizzly...

Bear: That's the ticket!

[Grizzly fumbles with the book.]

Bear: Woah! (Adjusts text in the book) There! Now what's this sigh about giving up? You can't do that! You're a handsome upstanding grizzly!

[Grizzly stares at the book, shocked.]

Bear: Yep, that's right! Look at you!

Grizzly: Um...

Bear: Come with me! I'll show you why hibernation's so important.

Grizzly: (Sigh) I've tried everything I guess.

[Grizzly then goes inside the book.]

Bear: Welp, here we are!

Grizzly: Ah! Look at me! I'm so charming! Woah, no way! I'm in the book! (Laughs) Amazing!

Bear: You want to see some more stuff?

Grizzly: Yeah!

[The page flips.]

Grizzly: Woah! Woah, teleportation?! Ha, I didn't realize this book was sci-fi!

Bear: No, silly, it's about you! And how special you are. Let me tell you a little something. Watch your step. Hibernation isn't something you should just brush off. We grizzlies are very unique animals. Other bears, (Pulls out a small version of Ice Bear and Panda) they just don't get it.

Grizzly: Yeah, they'd only make fun of me if I went back.

Bear: Which is exactly why you've gotta get sleepin'. Go ahead and pull that tab. You've earned it.

Grizzly: Ooh! (Pulls apple from tree) That'll grow back. (Gasps) Oh my gosh! What's all this?

Bear: Well, we gotta get ready for hibernation somehow. Eating a lot is definitely a requirement.

Grizzly: Oh, that looks amazing. That's artisan stuff. (Stuffs mouth with an egg)

Bear: It is amazing. Not to mention delicious. No one can tell you to stop. Anyone who does is just jealous of how much fun you're having.

Grizzly: Whoo-hoo! (Laughs) It's a dream!

Bear: Come along! Grizzlies get to enjoy all the best seasons. Fresh flowers in the spring, the crisp air in the fall, the awesome outdoor concerts in the summer. And then we skip the yucky stuff. Alrighty, here we are! The perfect den.

Grizzly: Oh, awesome! This is great! I feel totally ready to sleep now. So, where's the end part?

Bear: End part? What end part?

Grizzly: You know, the part where I wake up and my bros are there, they're really happy to see me and I'm happy to see them even if we fight sometimes but it's still great.

[Bear gives Grizzly a blank stare.]

Grizzly: And we party, with little hats?

Bear: I don't know about that, this is the last page. No parties here, just good old fashioned sleeping for good old fashioned grizzlies.

Grizzly: What? Alright, this can't be it. What happens when I wake up? I have to see.(Flips page) Huh? It's just blank. My brothers aren't here. What does it mean?

Bear: Who cares? You don't need them. You've got so much other stuff: food, a comfy den...

Grizzly: If my brothers aren't here when I wake up, I don't wanna go to sleep at all. I have to go back!

Bear: Hm, what? Go back? Grizzly, where do you think you're going?

Grizzly: Ah!

Bear: You can't go back, your brothers are gonna laugh at you!

Grizzly: No they won't!

Bear: They probably don't even want you back!

Grizzly: That's not true! I love my bros, I'd never leave them for good! Bros?

Bear: Five months is a long time, man. You really think they'll stick around?

Grizzly: Bros? Which one are you?!

Bear: (Talking indistinctly)

Grizzly: No! No I don't!

Bear: Oh, okay.

[The book closes]

Grizzly: Huh? (Screams)

Panda: Grizz? Grizz, are you awake, bro?

Grizzly: (Breathing heavy) Ah! Where is he?!

Panda: Ah!

Grizzly: Where are you, you little bear?

Panda: It's okay, Grizz! Shh, you're awake now. It's okay, you're safe, yeah, there is no little bear... Ice Bear: Only large bears.

Grizzly: Uh, wha- what happened?

Panda: We've been trying to wake you up, but you were like, delirious. We even got a video, see? (Pulls out phone)

Grizzly: (In the video) Oh, come here! (Screams) (Laughs) Let go.

Panda: You're surprisingly agile.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear wants to watch it again.

Panda: What was the matter, Grizz? Couldn't sleep?

Grizzly: Uh, well, no, I couldn't quite, um, I tried, you know?

Panda: Okay, ma'am. We'll let you get back to it.

Grizzly: No! (talking indistinctly)

Panda: I was just gonna go outside for some fresh air. Do you wanna come?

Grizzly: Um, yeah, okay.

Panda: It's a nice night tonight.

Grizzly: (Sigh) Yeah.

Grizzly: You know what? Being here with you guys is special enough for me.
