We Bare Bears Wiki
Hot Sauce Gallery Transcript
This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Hot Sauce".

Feel free to add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.

Previous: "Crowbar Jones: Origins" Next: "Mom App"
(The episode begins in the kitchen, Ice Bear flips the meat on the stove, he opens a product of tofu, he places the food between the buns, he turns to the bros as the carries sandwiches on his hands and on his shoulder)
Ice Bear Lunch ready.
Grizzly and Panda Hooray!
Ice Bear Banh mi for banh you.
(Ice Bear gives a Banh mi sandwich to Grizzly.)
Grizzly Thank, little bro!
(Panda on is the phone, Ice Bear gives a veggie banh.)
Ice Bear Veggie banh.
Panda Oooh! Sweet!
(Panda gives a selfie with his sandwich, Ice bear sprinkles seeds on the buns, Panda buts his phone away.)
Panda All right, guys! Dig in!
(They're about to take a bite.)
Panda and Ice Bear [Inhale deeply]
Grizzly W-A-A-A-AIT!
Panda Wha...?
(Panda and Ice Bear looks at Grizzly.)
Grizzly Guys! We can't eat these yet. They're missing the essential ingredient.
(Grizzly gets up and goes to the shelves and gets up on the counter.)
Grizzly [Grunts] One squirt of Sir-Cha-Cha hot sauce!
(Grabs a bottle of the sauce he finds, a rooster crows.)
Panda Oh, duh! Of course!
(Ice Bear turns his head to Panda.)
Ice Bear Burn make Ice Bear feel alive.
(Grizzly return to his table.)
Grizzly Hold tight, my dudes. I'm taking you to Flavortown. [Inhales deeply]
(Grizzly opens the bun and squirts out Sir-Cha-Cha sauce, it squirts a little, Grizzly pauses for a moment.)
Grizzly Hmm. [Grunts]
(He struggles with the bottle, Panda approaches.)
Panda Here, let me try. [Grunts] Whoa!
(The bottle goes flying, Ice Bear catches it)
Panda Uh, guys, we might have a problem here.
Grizzly Don't panic, bros. I always keep a backup bottle.
(Grizzly goes under the table to look for a spare bottle, his eyes widen that it's not here.)
Grizzly Oh, no.
Panda What?! So-- So, no sauce?!
(Grizzly gets up from under the table.)
Grizzly Uh, okay, well, there's got to be another secret stash around here somewhere.
Ice Bear Ice Bear can rehydrate sauce around the cap.
(Grizzly runs to Ice Bear)
Grizzly No. It won't be enough for the full flavor experience.
(Panda walks up too.)
Grizzly We gotta go buy some more.
(The scene switches to the Supermarket, inside, all of the Sir-Cha-Cha shelves are empty.)
Grizzly Well, I guess that's really it.
(Grizzly walks up, Panda takes out his phone.)
Panda I guess we could try mixing ketchup and chili powder? Ew.
(Grizzly turns his head to the bros.)
Grizzly [Sigh] It's not the same. Let's just go home.
(They exit the market, a squishing noise is heard, Panda lifts his leg.)
Panda Aah! Aw, gross! I stepped in something. Aah! Oh, my gosh! Is it blood?! Ew! Ew! Get it off, get it off, get it off! Gah!
(Ice Bear smells Panda's leg with red icky stuff covered, he tastes it.)
Ice Bear [Sniffs] Not blood.
(Ice Bear gets up.)
Grizzly Gross, dude.
Ice Bear Hot sauce.
Panda Wait. What? Hot sauce?
Grizzly Hot sauce, you say?
Ice Bear Ice Bear sees sauce tracks.
(Ice Bear points the tracks, the bears look at the tracks with their eyes.)
Grizzly and Panda Huh?
(A pigeon appears from the back)
Pigeon [coos]
(looks around for no one to see him.)
Pigeon [coos]
(The bears show the pigeon to the back of an alley, they see a pigeon with a suitcase.)
Pigeon [coos]
(The bears walk up to the pigeon, the pigeon opens up a suitcase revealing sriracha sauce, harp plays in the background.)
The Bears [Gasp]
(The bottles labeled as "Sir-Coo-Coo.)
Panda Is that? [Gasps]
Grizzly "Sir-Coo-Coo"?
(Duck quacks.)
Grizzly Hey, wait. Is this some kind of knockoff? Yeah, sorry, man, but we're kinda Sir-Cha-Cha purists, so...
Pigeon [Coos]
Ice Bear She says to taste it.
(Grizzly grabs a bottle, drizzles on his sandwich, takes a bites, his eyes open with a whirling sound.)
Grizzly Ooh!
(The bears look at Grizzly.)
Panda Well!
(Grizzly eats the whole sandwich.)
Grizzly [Munching] Ahh! It's so good! Guys! This tastes exactly like Sir-Cha-Cha!
Pigeon [coos]
Grizzly Hey, man! We'll take it all!
Panda Whoa. Wait. Grizz, can we talk for a second?
Panda Heh-heh. Uh, excuse us.
(Panda looks at the pigeon nervously, he walks off with the bros, the huddle in a circle.)
Panda Bros, isn't it a hit shady to buy back-alley hot sauce?
Grizzly Oh, come on, Panda. Be adventurous for once .
Ice Bear Ice Bear needs the spice.
Panda Ugh. Fine.
(Grizzly hands the cash to the pigeon, a cash register dings as the pigeon takes the cash.)
Grizzly Pleasure doing business with you, friend.
(A pigeon takes out a card.)
Pigeon [Coos]
Grizzly Huh?
(Grizzly takes the card from the pigeon, the pigeon flies away.)
Grizzly This is a business card. Hmm.
(He looks at the card, he turns the card over for info.)
Grizzly No name. Just an address?
Panda Well, that's... ominous.
Grizzly Oh, who cares? We got the spice!
(The scene transitions to their home, the bears arrive.)
Grizzly [Giggles] Oh, man! What should we eat with it first? Oh, maybe we could use it like gravy on like a-- Huh?
(Grizzly opens the door revealing Officer Murphy.)
Officer Murphy Hold it right there, bears. You three are under arrest!
(Officer Murphy take off his shades.)
Panda Arrest?! What's going on?
(Police crew surround them as the siren wails, cuts to black, cuts to an interrogation room at the police station.)
Grizzly What's going on?
(Officer Murphy approaches them alongside with Officer Harris.)
Officer Murphy You three are in some big trouble!
Grizzly Why? What? Why are we here, Officer?
Panda Is this about the new season of "Hot Dog Ninja" that I downloaded?!
(Officer Harris pulls out a briefcase and opens it.)
Officer Murphy Don't play dumb with me, bears! Does this jog your memory?
Grizzly [Gulp] Uh, we can explain.
Officer Murphy Save your excuses! This morning, a hot sauce truck was robbed, and you bears have the stolen goods. And the punishment for black-market deals is jail!
Panda No!! [Sobs]
Officer Murphy So, where did you get the goods, then, bears?
Grizzly I mean, we just met some pigeon in an alley, and we made the deal. Oh! They gave us a card. Look. Here!
(Grizzly gives the card to Officer Murphy, Officer Harris claps to turn on the whole lights, the officers look at the card.)
Officer Murphy Hunh. This is from the Pigeon Cartel. I should have known they were behind this.
Grizzly Whoa. This is from the Pigeon Cartel? Can't believe I didn't see that coming.
Officer Harris Now you'll finally be able to make your case against them!
Officer Murphy No, it's not enough. We need photographic evidence.
Grizzly But couldn't you just send some guys in there to take a picture? T-There's an address on the back.
(The officers look at the address, Murphy turns to the bears.)
Officer Murphy Are you volunteering?
Grizzly Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Panda What?! Are you kidding?!
(Ice Bear moves his head left and right indicating "No.")
Panda Don't you have undercover cops to do that sort of thing?!
Officer Murphy Because if you did volunteer, I could free you all charges.
Grizzly Oh, yeah, we are totally volunteering, sir!
Panda Yep! Yep! Sign us up!
(Ice Bear nods up and down "Yes.")
Officer Murpphy Hah! Glad to have you on board.
Officer Harris But, sir, how are they gonna get in looking so... soft?
(The bears look cute.)
Officer Murphy Hmm. Yeah, you're right.
Grizzly We could... dress up, maybe?
Officer Murphy What do you have in mind?
(Later that night in a van, the bears come in disguise, Ice Bear disguised as a greaser, Panda is disguised as a burglar, and Grizzly is disguised in a vampire cape, they get off the van.)
Panda I'm sorry. Why are you wearing that again, Grizz?
Grizzly We gotta look bad, and who's badder than... Dracula? Right, bro?
(Grizzly shows his cape.)
Ice Bear Ice Bear can't see anything.
(Officer Murphy approaches from the inside of the van, the bears turn to him.)
Officer Murphy Hey! Enough goofing around. Just get in there, take the photo then text me the image. And don't mess it up!
(Officer Murphy closes the van, drives off as the tires screech, the bears look at the sign "Roy's Car Crush Compound," Grizzly press the button to call as the buzzer rings.)
Pigeon [Coos]
Grizzly Um, Heh. Hello! Uh, we are here to purchase some... sauce.
Pigeon [coos]
Grizzly Wait, wait. What'd he say?
(Grizzly turns his head to Ice Bear.)
Ice Bear They don't want our business.
Grizzly What?! We're paying customers!
Panda Grizz, let's just leave. This obviously isn't working and this place is freaking me out!
Grizzly Nah, man! Look, we were given a card.
(Grizzly takes out a card and shows it.)
Pigeon [coos]
(The camera scans the card.)
Pigeon [coos]
(The gate opens, there's a pigeon upfront, he turns.)
Pigeon [coos]
Ice Bear We are invited inside.
Grizzly All right. Let's do this. Bad-boy-style.
(They go inside and walk like bad boys.)
Pigeons [coo]
(Panda looks around, a pigeon inking tattoo to a pigeon behind the back with ink, they look at them.)
Panda Cool tat! I'm next! Heh-heh-heh.
(The bears look around as the pigeons gathered.)
Pigeons [Screech]
(The bears head inside at a warehouse.)
Panda What?!
Pigeons [cooing]
(They turned their heads, they dance as hip-hop music plays, a hanger comes down as leader of the pigeon cartel, the leader gets off from the hanger, the bears looked afraid.)
Panda I've never been so scared by a dance before.
Grizzly Um, hello.
(The Pigeon Cartel brings a phone and one of them uses a beak to type out.)
Male computerized voice So, I hear you are interested in buying some of our hot saice-- sauce. Sorry. Typos. Am I right?
Grizzly Oh. Ha-ha Oh, yeah, we are here to buy more, um, hot sauce.
Panda Yeah, and, um, uh, get a pic of the merchandise.
(Grizzly and Panda eyes dropped open, they looked at Panda, the record needle scratches.)
Panda Uh...
Pigeon Cartel Boss Pic? Why would you need a pic?
Panda Oh, you know, for, uh, my crime scrapbook.
(Panda smiles nervously.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss Before we go any further, you will need to complete a test.
(The bears looked confused.)
Grizzly A-A test? What kind of test?
(The bears look up as a pigeon brings down a Sriracha sauce bottle.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss To earn my trust, you must drink the entire bottle of Sir-Coo-Coo.
Panda A whole bottle in one go?! Is that even possible?!
(Panda and Ice Bear look at Grizzly.)
Ice Bear Ice Bear worries about long-term health issues.
Grizzly [Gulps] It okay, bros. I got this.
(Grizzly walks up.)
Grizzly You can do this, Grizz. You love hot sauce. Bottoms up! [Glugs!]
(He takes the bottle and jugs it as Ice Bear and Panda watches nervously.)
Grizzly Whoa! [gibberish shouting] So spicy!
(Ice bear and Panda felt relieved.)
Panda Oh, thank goodness.
Pigeon Cartel Boss I'm impressed. No pigeon has ever passed this test before. Follow me.
(The bears fellow the pigeons, the garage storage opens revealing hot sauce stolen from earlier.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss Behold!
Grizzly and Panda Whoa!
(The pigeon replaces "Sir-Cha-Cha" label with "Sir-Coo-Coo".)
Pigeon Cartel Boss Pretty impressive, I know. So, how many crates would you like?
Grizzly Uh, how many? Um...uh...
Panda Eee...
Panda Uh, everything! We'll take it all!
Pigeon Cartel Boss Really?
Grizzly Of, course. We love that sauce!
Pigeon Cartel Boss Did you hear that, everyone? The big dogs just bought the whole stock.
Pigeons [cooing]
(Panda turns to the Pigeon Cartel Boss.)
Panda Um, Mr. Boss, uh... h-how about a photo to celebrate this moment? Heh-heh.
(Grizzly and Ice bears turn their heads to Pigeon Cartel Boss happily.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss For my new favorite customers? Anything.
(The scene transitions with Panda holding his phone to take a pic with Grizzly and Ice Bear.)
Panda Now, say "hot sauce"!
Grizzly and Ice Bear Hot sauce!
(The camera shutters as it takes the picture.)
Panda Ha-ha. Perfect! Just let me add a filter. I-I ju-- Almost got it. J-Just gotta finish. Just gotta finish loading and...
(Panda sends the photo to Officer Murphy, A pigeon appears behind Panda.)
Pigeon [coos angrily]
(An angry pigeon swipes Panda's phone.)
Panda Huh? No, no, no! Wait! No!
Grizzly I got this cape from a Dumpster, actually.
Pigeon [coos]
(A pigeon arrives with Panda's phone that was a plan to arrest them, the Pigeon Cartel Boss turns his head to Grizzly, he nervously looks at him.)
Grizzly Heh-heh. I can explain.
(The scene blacks out, the scene shows the bears are bound by rope.)
Grizzly Okay, seriously, I can really explain! Oh, can't we talk this out?!
Pigeon Cartel Boss The time for talking is over. You betrayed me. Did you honestly think we would allow you to live? Foolish.
(The Cartel Pigeon Boss presses the red button to the car-crusher machine, it moves slowly.)
The Bears Huh?!
Grizzly No, no, no! Please stop!
Panda No, no, no! Let us out! I don't want to be a pancake! Aah!
Grizzly I just wish I could have one more taste of Sir-Cha-Cha!
(The machine stops.)
Grizzly Huh?
(The Pigeon Cartel Boss moves away from the red button.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss Since you did prove yourself a true lover of the sauce, I will allow you one last taste.
The bears [gasp]
(The pigeons free Grizzly.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss Come here, dog.
(He gets up as the Ice Bear and Panda watch him, a pigeon brings another bottle, Grizzly grabs it.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss You may drink.
Grizzly Oh, uh, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Boss, sir. Uh, here we go. Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh...
(Grizzly is about drink another bottle of Sir-Coo-Coo, the pigeon watches.)
Grizzly Splash attack! Hoof it, bros!
(Grizzly squirts the bottle to the Pigeon Boss Cartel, he grabs Panda's phone and runs, cuts to Panda and Ice Bear still bound.)
Panda Grizz, wait! We're still tied up!
(Ice Bear struggles, he breaks free from the ropes, grabs Panda still tied up.)
Panda Aah! You could do-- Put me down!
(They flee, The Pigeon Cartel Boss cleans his face with his wings and calls the other pigeons to stop them from escaping.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss [coos]
Pigeons [coos]
(The pigeons go after the bears, they exit the building, more pigeons follow them.)
Pigeons [coos]
Grizzly Panda, I got your phone!
(Grizzly hands the phone to Panda, he catches it.)
Panda Oh... got it! And... sent!
(The phone bloops after he sends the message, pigeons follow them.)
Grizzly It's the gate! We're almost there, guys!
(The pigeon cartel blocks them.)
Pigeons [coos]
(The bears stop.)
Grizzly Wha...? Oh, no!
Pigeon Cartel Boss I told you bears, no one messes with the Pigeon Cartel and lives to tell about--
(The gate opens revealing police backup alongside with Officer Murphy and Officer Harris.)
Officer Murphy All right, Pigeon Cartel, we've got you surrounded. Put your wings in the air!
Pigeon Cartel Boss Come on. We can take these cops.
(The pigeons raise winds in the air including the boss.)
Pigeon Cartel Boss Dang it.
Grizzly Yeah-ah-ah, Officer Murphy!
Ice Bear Ice Bear has never been so happy to see cops.
(The aftermath.)
Officer Murphy Thanks again, bears. You did good. All the stolen goods will need to be confiscated. But... here's a little something extra for your service.
(Officer Harris hands the reward briefcase to the bears, Panda takes it and opens it.)
The Bears [gasp]
Grizzly Aww, Officer, you shouldn't have!
(Officer Murphy winks, later at bears' cave, Grizzly puts sriracha on a cheeseburger, he takes a bite.)
Grizzly Mmm! Oh, yeah. Oh that's the good spice!
(Panda looks at Grizzly.)
Panda Why are you still wearing your costume?
Grizzly Because I look amazing.
(episode ends.)