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I Am Ice Bear Gallery Transcript
"Where is it?"
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This is a transcribed copy of the episode "I Am Ice Bear".

Feel free to add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.

Previous: "The Park" Next: "Baby Bears Can't Jump"

[black screen]
Is he alive?
(Ice Bear opens his eyes]
Shh. He's waking up.
[Ice Bear closes his eyes]
[Ice Bear opens his eyes again]
Little bro? You OK?
Ice Bear: Ice...
[Grizz and Panda lean in closer]
Ice Bear:
Ice... [clamps both sides of his head] Oh, man, I need some ice for my head.
[Grizz and Panda gasp and back away in shock; Ice Bear stands up while rubbing the lump on his head]
Ice Bear:
Oh, jeez, that really did a number on me. Boy, I sure hate it when that happens. Hey, am I right? You know, like, sometimes you can just be walking. "I'm going here, I'm going there, I'm minding my own business." Then, BAM! Unconscious. You guys know what I mean, right?
[Grizz and Panda stare at Ice Bear in disbelief, look at each other and then back at Ice Bear]
Ice Bear:
No? Hey, maybe it's just me. Boy, nothing like almost dying to get your appetite going, though. [pats Grizz's right shoulder and starts walking away] Cool. All right, I'm gonna go grab some lunch. Stay cool, bros. [steps over the hammer] Oh, whoa, shouldn't leave tools around. Someone could get hurt... again. [winks at his brothers] Ha.
[cut to the cave; Grizz and Panda peak around from behind the kitchen doorway with wide, staring eyes]
Ice Bear:
Hmm. Now, where did I put that bowl?
[cut to Ice Bear wearing an apron whilst looking through the pantry]
Ice Bear:
There you are, Mr. Bowl. OK, let's see-- [trips and drops the bowl] Whoops. [the bowl shatters on the floor] Oh, jeez, that's so like me. I'm just a clumsy guy. ♪ I'm just a clumsy guy... ♪ Hmm, where do we keep the broom in this place?
[Ice Bear leaves the kitchen whilst scratching his chin; Grizz and Panda lay their backs to the wall]
Oh, man, this is so weird. All right, wh-what's the internet say, Panda?
Panda: All I could find was this video.
[cut to Panda's phone; a video titled "Totally Medicine: All About Head Injuries" appears on screen; Panda presses the play button on the screen]
Man in video: [two blue stick figures appear on screen; one hits the other on the head with a sledge hammer]
Have you experienced a recent head injury? [image changes to an old lady sitting on a rocking chair, knitting a scarf with a cat resting at her feet; old lady is now riding a motorbike with the frightened cat sitting behind her] How about a major personality change? If you answered "yes," you could have [the word "amnesia" appears on screen] amnesia! [four-way split screen; a woman looking at her reflection in a handheld mirror appears in the top left] Amnesia can make people forget themselves, [a pot plant appears in the right left] their plants, [a sleeping cat appears in the bottom left] their cats, [a happy family appears in the bottom right] and even their beloved siblings. [image changes to a doctor] What's the cure? We asked this specially trained physician.
Doctor in video: I don't know.
[the video ends; a replay button appears on screen; cut back TO Grizz and Panda]
This doesn't look good. I mean, what if he's changed forever?
Grizz: I'm sure it'll be fine. Probably just going through a phase.
Ice Bear: What's up, bo-o-o-o-oys?! [swings his left arm; Grizz and Panda back away in fear] I made lunch. Better eat some before I eat it all, eh?
[Ice Bear nudges Grizz and walks back into the kitchen]
See? Same old little bro.
[cut to the kitchen; Grizz and Panda sit down at the table; Ice Bear carries a dome-covered plate over to the table]
Ice Bear:
Ta-da. [puts the plate down on the table] Lunch is served. I call it [removes the dome to reveal a bowl full of candy] Candy Surprise. The surprise is it's full of candy.
[Ice Bear winks; Grizz and Panda stare at the bowl of candy]
But... but what about our healthy diet? I--
Ice Bear: Come on, guys. Life is short. Treat yourself.
[Grizz and Panda laugh with joy and reach for the candy; Ice Bear places the dome down on the cupboard and turns to stop his brothers from eating]
Ice Bear:
Whoa, whoa, hang on a sec. I gotta show this to my followers. [takes out a phone, takes a picture of the bowl of candy and starts typing on screen] "Hashtag life is sweet." No spaces; they'll figure it out.
Grizz: Dude! You have followers?!
Panda: And a phone?!
Ice Bear: Huh? Oh, yeah. I don't know what I'd do without my social media peeps.
[Ice Bear shows his phone to his brothers; the bowl of candy photo gets twelve likes, then 32, 64, 207, 541 and finally 783]
Whoa! You're verified!
Ice Bear: I guess people are just drawn to my outgoing personality.
Panda: [takes out his phone] Ha, I only have two followers. I'm not even sure if they're real people.
Ice Bear: Oh, you have an account? Consider yourself followed.
[Ice Bear taps the screen on his phone; his social media account profile photo appears on Panda's phone; the words "Congrats! A cool person followed you!" appear followed by happy music and ascending balloons; Grizz and Panda gaze at Panda's phone and laugh with joy]
