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This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Magical Box".

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Magical Box Gallery Transcript

Fairy #1: We are fairies. Welcome to the Fairy Glade. Would you like a tour?

Fairy #2: Oh, yes, please let us give you a tour!

Fairy #3: Yes, we love giving tours!

Baby Grizz: Yo, this place is off the hook!

Baby Panda: It's way better than the place we lived five minutes ago.

Baby Panda: Grizz! Rude! What my brother here meant to say is that you have a beautiful home here.

Fairy #1: All beings are welcome in hither Fairy Glade.

Baby Panda: Now for a little celebration music.

(Plays K-pop causing to Fairy shakes loudly)

Fairy #1: Ow! Ow! Ohh! Ow! What is this madness?!

Baby Panda: Please, halt that malevolent melody! (Stops K-pop music)

(All Fairy sighs.)

Baby Grizz: Fairies, dinner is served.

Fairy #1: Delicacies!

Pray tell, what manner of food didst thou cook with?

Oh. We just cooked up the sparkly mushrooms

in the cave over there.

Fairy #3: O-Oh, surely you don't mean the cave over there.

Fairy #2: Yep! That's the cave!

Fairy #1: Those mushrooms are not food. They're our currency!

Fairy #9: Well, you certainly couldn't have cooked all the mushrooms?

Baby Grizz: Uh...

Baby Ice Bear: Ice Bear would have hired better security.

Fairy #10: You've cooked our life savings away!

Fairy #3: We are financially ruined!

Fairy #1: The hairy ones have brought economic collapse to our town! They must repay us with their lives!

(All growls)

Baby Panda: Maybe we should haveordered delivery?

Baby Ice Bear: Ice Bear hates long wait.

Baby Grizz: Lets scram, bros! (runs)

Fairy #1: The furry ones are trying to escape! Stop them!

Baby Grizz: Go, little bro! Go, little bro! Go, little-

Baby Panda: Aah! Help! I feel my ears stretching!

Baby Grizz: No! Panda!

Nobody move, or the cute one gets it.

Baby Panda: Aah! Aw, I'm the cute one? That's so nice!

Baby Grizz: Let go of the cute one, you overgrown insect, or I'll-

I don't think you're in any position for threats. Any last words, bub?

Baby Panda: "Thank you for all your love and support. I was destroyed by Fairy. R-I-P, me."

Baby Grizz: Wait, Panda has his phone! Brainstorm!

Bear Lightbulb: I got it! (Breaks pieces of lightbulb)

Baby Grizz: Panda! Play K-pop!

Baby Panda: Okay, but I know where you're going with this.

(K-pop plays causing to Fairies shakes again and escapes.)

Baby Panda: Oh, yeah, fairies hate K-pop. Great callback, Grizz. (Falls into box) Aah! Oof! All that for some measly mushrooms.

Baby Grizz: Bros, look!

Baby Panda: Wow. I've never seen anything so beautiful.

Baby Grizz: And this is just the start, bros! With this box, we can go anywhere to find a new home. Let's do it together.

Baby Panda: Together.

Baby Ice Bear: Ice Bear, too.

Narrator: Our bears are on the journey of a lifetime. It seems wishes really can come true. Or maybe that's just something I saw in a cartoon.
