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Mom App Gallery Transcript
This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Mom App".

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Grizzly: Whew! Ugh, that mom was terrible. All right. Let me pick the next one.

Panda: No! You stink at choosing! 

Grizzly and Panda: Huh? 

Ice Bear: Ice Bear's turn.

Grizzly: Oh, that's fair.

Ice Bear: Ice Bear has selected ideal mom.

The Bears: Whoa! 

Tank: Hey! I'm your new mom Tank! You kids like basketball? Rah! 

The Bears: Whoo-hoo! 

Grizzly: Our mom can dunk! 

Panda: Where did you learn to dunk like that?! 

Grizzly: Teach us how to dunk, please! 

Tank: Well, I'm afraid I can't do that. You bears are too weak and puny! You gotta get buff, like me! Now, drop and give me 30! 

Grizzly: Huh?

Panda: Yeah, I don't think I... 

Tank: Come on, now! I'm gonna whip you boys into shape! That's enough. 30 laps! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Yeah! Feel the burn! Come on! Move it! 

Grizzly: Ugh. Everything hurts. At least we can relax and watch TV now.

Tank: I don't think so! TV is for couch potatoes! 

Ice Bear: Ice Bear wants to be potato.

Grizzly: Cancel. Cancel, cancel, cancel! 

Panda: Canceling.

Tank: Hey, what'd I just say?! All this tech stuff is no good for you kids. Let's get you boys to bed. And I'll take the other bedroom. And I've modified this one so you can all share. Sweet dreams! Sleep well! 

Grizzly: Psst. You guys asleep? 

Panda: Uh, no, my body hurts too much. Ahhhh.

Ice Bear: Also, new beds are uncomfortable.

Grizzly: Aah! I can't take this, okay? We gotta get our phone back, or we'll be stuck with this mom forever! 

Ice Bear: Ice Bear will help.

Panda: Sorry, guys, but I-I don't think I can move. Fine.

Grizzly: She's awake! Wait. She's just doing sleep crunches. Oh! Okay. There's the phone. Okay, Panda, keep watch while I- Panda!

Panda: Cellie. I'm coming. I'll save you. Wait. This isn't my phone! 

TankL No! It's my phone! You need to listen to your mother! 

Grizzly: Run!  

Panda: Aaah! 

Tank: Come out, come out, wherever you are…

Panda: What do we do? This mom is out of control! 

Grizzly: Yeah, she needs, like, a time-out or something.

Panda: That's it!

Grizzly: Oh, Panda. That's genius! 

Tank: A-ha! 

The Bears: AAAAH! 

Tank: Get back here! Playtime is over! Hah! You think you can run from me? You're too weak! Now I'm gonna make you work even harder!

Panda: You are not our mom! You are just a big bully! 

Tank: You don't know what's good for you! And give that back! You can't cancel me that easily.

Panda: We weren't trying to cancel you.

Tank: Why'd you take my phone? Huh? Who the heck is coming over at this hour? 

Mrs. Jackson: Susan Tanketha Jackson! You put that young man down this instant! 

Tank: Mommy! 

Mrs. Jackson: You leave them alone! This mom did not raise a bully! 

Tank: No, Mommy. I was just taking care of them.

Mrs. Jackson Oh, you're gonna get real talking to, missy! And no cellphone time for a week, young lady!

Tank: Mommy! No! Stop! Owww! 

Grizzly: Man, having a mom is really different than I thought.

Panda: Yeah, they don't show you this stuff on TV.

Mrs. Jackson: Oh, I-I'm sorry about my daughter. She's a sweet girl, but she gets carried away sometimes. What are you boys doing looking for a mom at your age, anyway?

Grizzly: Well, I guess we thought it'd be nice to have someone to take care of us, make us snacks, tuck us in at night.

Panda: And just raise us into good people.

Mrs. Jackson: It looks to me like you've already been raised into wonderful folks.
