We Bare Bears Wiki
Ralph (episode) Gallery Transcript
This is a transcribed copy of the episode "Ralph (episode)".

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(Episode begins with a shot of the sky. We pan down to a berry bush in the forest. Rustling is heard and a snake pops out of the bush. It is revealed to be wrapped around Charlie's arm which grabs a berry from the bush. He fully reveals himself, more snakes wrapped around him.)
Charlie Now, what did I tell you, Snake, my boy? Best berries in the whole dang forest!
(He eats the berry.)
Charlie Oh! Mmm! So, what'd you think, friends?
(The snakes unwrap themselves from Charlie and leave.)
Charlie Wait, you leavin'? Oh. Okay, then. Catch you guys later! Good ol' snake family.

[Charlie and Ralph are roasting sausages over a fire wearing scouts badges.]

Ralph: (laughs) The look on those tiger scouts' faces! You know, tiny, you're not half bad.

Charlie: Really? You mean it?

Ralph: Yeah I guess, for an amateur. (eats sausage) Not that great though, I mean, barely scratched the surface.

Charlie: Barely? Bare... Bears! Dinner!

Ralph: Huh?

Charlie: (gets up) I'm supposed to be meeting the bears for dinner, I almost forgot! You should come!

Ralph: Uh, do these bears like to party?

Charlie: Oh sure they do! Party-soiree, rowdy-dowdy, all of it.

Ralph: Alright, I'm in.

Charlie: Woo-hoo! The bears are gonna love you! (follows Ralph but returns to take bag of sausages) I'll just take these.

[In the cave, the bears are making lunch when they hear a knock on the door]

Panda: Huh? Alright, alright Charlie, I'm coming! (opens door, a sausage is thrown at him)
