Tote Bags are an object found all across San Francisco, California. People who bear tote bags are expected to know about the "tote life". They're sold all across various stores, namely at the Food Market. These bags made their first and only appearance in the episode "Tote Life".
The tote bags seen are generally a base light-yellow color while having a nature-representative illustration on either side of the bag.
Tote Life[]
Being the main plot device, after being talked down to by the nature-loving community of San Francisco, the tote bags end up becoming the Bears' main target of obsession. They start out with one bag for each bear and only use them as necessary. Bearing these bags, they notice the citizens around them are giving them special privileges, from excusing them from getting ice cream in ones' hair to giving them items for free.
As they're walking along, they end up accidentally ripping Ice Bear's bag on a pole, and quickly rush to a tote bag shop. Indecisive of which bag they wanted, they just grabbed all of them. This rapidly turned into an obsession as they began buying each bag they saw. This eventually got to the point where they were overflowing with bags; as they walked around everywhere with bags piled on top of themselves and their cave being nearly packed full with tote bags. It had gotten so bad, tote bags were littered everywhere in their area, causing the EPA to send someone to their house to take care of the environmental issue.
After heading inside to consult the Bears and experiencing their odd behavior, an EPA woman had managed to convince Ice Bear and Grizzly to let go of all of their bags, however Panda refused, having been able to score a few dates because of them. After running inside in a fit of anger, the Bears had to go after him before the structure collapsed. After an explosion of bags came bursting out of the door and the Bears managed to get all three of themselves safe outside, they wondered what they would do with all of their bags. Being inspired by their first ever tote bag, they ended up building a dam for some beavers using all of their bags.